Friday, May 25, 2007

Interesting Thoughts...

When I was looking through peoples blogs about Fahrenheit 451, a lot of interesting ideas came up. However, one had stood out to me written by Dominique. She said, "I often wondered how they could let things get that bad." I've been wondering the same thing for a while. What if they have absolutely no control over anything? I'm really interested to see what's going on in this world. "They have brainwashed people to a certain extent, because no one thinks for themselves, and no one is curious about anything other than TVs and 'seashells'." This, said by Dominique, is also very true. How could they be brainwashed? And why would they ever want that? Nobody thinks for themselves it seems like and they have no feelings for anyone or anything. However, Clarisse is different. She listens, thinks before she speaks, and cares about people. I think that Clarisse had been reading books and someone had caught her and that's why she disappeared. What else would have happened? What else could explain her being so different? She couldn't have just disappeared out of the blue. Its just so strange to me. Hopefully some things will become more clear later on in the story.

1 comment:

Miller said...

Morgan: This is a nice job connecting with Dominique's ideas. If people are brainwashed to not think, it becomes easier to manipulate them, doesn't it? How does Bradbury use Clarisse to point out the weaknesses in the society? Why is she important to what eventually happens?