Friday, May 25, 2007

More Thoughts...

Now that I've gotten pretty far into the book, a lot of new and interesting things have come up. Clarisse has disappeared, and books were found stashed in a vent a little after that. Everything is started to almost come together. I have a feeling in the next few pages there will be even more conflicts and surprises. I wonder if Clarisse is ever going to come back. Did she die? If yes, why? Was she reading books and get caught? Why is it so bad that people read in this society? Is there past that bad that they can't no about it? Before, I thought maybe the people living in this world could have been brainwashed. Then I started thinking harder about that. Who would have done that? And why? This world seems to be all mixed up. I'm so confused at this point and I wish that these questions would get answered soon so I can figure out this whole society.

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