Friday, May 25, 2007

More Thoughts...

Now that I've gotten pretty far into the book, a lot of new and interesting things have come up. Clarisse has disappeared, and books were found stashed in a vent a little after that. Everything is started to almost come together. I have a feeling in the next few pages there will be even more conflicts and surprises. I wonder if Clarisse is ever going to come back. Did she die? If yes, why? Was she reading books and get caught? Why is it so bad that people read in this society? Is there past that bad that they can't no about it? Before, I thought maybe the people living in this world could have been brainwashed. Then I started thinking harder about that. Who would have done that? And why? This world seems to be all mixed up. I'm so confused at this point and I wish that these questions would get answered soon so I can figure out this whole society.

Interesting Thoughts...

When I was looking through peoples blogs about Fahrenheit 451, a lot of interesting ideas came up. However, one had stood out to me written by Dominique. She said, "I often wondered how they could let things get that bad." I've been wondering the same thing for a while. What if they have absolutely no control over anything? I'm really interested to see what's going on in this world. "They have brainwashed people to a certain extent, because no one thinks for themselves, and no one is curious about anything other than TVs and 'seashells'." This, said by Dominique, is also very true. How could they be brainwashed? And why would they ever want that? Nobody thinks for themselves it seems like and they have no feelings for anyone or anything. However, Clarisse is different. She listens, thinks before she speaks, and cares about people. I think that Clarisse had been reading books and someone had caught her and that's why she disappeared. What else would have happened? What else could explain her being so different? She couldn't have just disappeared out of the blue. Its just so strange to me. Hopefully some things will become more clear later on in the story.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

How do they not know?

How could these people in this novel be so unaware of the reality of their society? This question has yet to be answered in Fahrenheit 451. I have a feeling it has to do with the burning of the books. I'm thinking that they are trying to erase the peoples mind and past by burning all of these books. "The books are to remind us what asses and fools we are." This quote made me think that the people living in this world think that they used to be fools, that the books are written about what they were like and what they did in the past. It's almost like they are all brainwashed. How is Clarisse not though? She is the only one who actually knows about the past. Maybe someone found her reading books and that's why she disappeared. Did she die because of it? Why would they be so strict about reading the books? Is it really that bad to know about their past? What was wrong with what was going on in the past? There are so many questions that are yet to be answered. I find it impossible for them to just forget. I'm not sure how the government does it, maybe brainwashing...but how? It could be because they all just got used to living like that, but thinking about it that way just makes it seem a lot more strange to me. Could they be hypnotized? There are so many things to wonder about, how could they just not know? There are many possibilities. Soon, I have a feeling that something is going to come up and answer these questions, and I can't wait to find out.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Group Discussion #1: Fahrenheit 451

During our first group discussion, many interesting ideas were brought up. We all seemed to have the same thoughts on what was going on in the story. The biggest part of the discussion was on the books, and why they were being burned. We were all a little bit confused when we heard that the houses were fireproof. Is that possible? How didn't the house catch on fire when the books were being burned? And we wondered why Clarisse was so different from everyone else. She thinks about things. Montag and even his wife don't think at all, its almost like they don't have a brain. Within the group, we decided that the people in this world have no feelings and don't listen to anyone. We came up with this because of when Clarisse was talking to Montag and was telling him how she listens to people and all. However, it's only Clarisse who does this. She was also the only one who thought that firemen put out fires instead of start them. Is she from the past? If she is, how did she end up in this crazy world? Aside from Clarisse, it's almost like everybody in the world is hypnotized. No one really thinks for themselves or asks any questions. None of them are independent either. These people are different and mixed up.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Fahrenheit 451

Fahrenheit 451 I find to be a very unusual book so far. At first I was confused, it takes place in a very odd city. The first character that I read about was Montag. He is a fireman who burns books in a futuristic American city. In Montag's world, firemen start fires instead of putting them out. The people in this society do not read books, enjoy nature, spend time by themselves, think independently, or have meaningful conversations. Instead, they drive very fast, watch a lot of television on wall-size sets, and listen to the radio on “Seashell Radio” sets that are attached to their ears. The things that go on within this city are strange and unheard of. Since I've only read the first 50 pages, I'm pretty curious to see what's going to happen later on.

Irresponsible Blogging

Pew Internet & American Life Project showed that 1 in 5 kids between the ages of 12 and 17 — about 4 million — keeps a blog. However, twice as many read the blogs. Anybody can read this information that is put up. Kids these days are posting very personal information that puts them in a lot of danger. There should be nothing posted that you wouldn't want the world to see or know, and I don't think everyone gets this.
On a website I recently read, it said that you should be sure that anything you write you are proud of, it can and will come back to get you if you don't. I found this very interesting, but right. In the future, if you were to be looking for a job, it might be possible for an employer to discover some immature things posted when you were younger. I'm sure that nobody would want this to happen, but it will if unnecessary things are written.
Since our class has just started posting and creating our own blogs and what not, there should be some rules so that everyone is safe. First off, there should be know personal information on any ones blog. Second, there should be know links that have not been read by the blogger. There are so many other things that should be followed, but I think that those are the most important. There should also be no discriminating or hurtful things on any ones blog. It's very important to be safe and keep yourself out of trouble. Blogging could be very dangerous, but if you follow rules, everything will be fine.